Monday, November 26, 2018

book review

Author:Dav pilkey The characters are Dogman,Chief,Petey,Milly,Sarah,Zuzu,Piggy,Crunky,Bub,80hd.I like Dogman the most because he does funny things 


Dogman is about Dogman and their enemy Petey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Dogman always save the day.Petey the evil jerk goes to cat jail every single story.Dogman is smart but he has some bad habaits.

My opinion

I liked the book because its very interesting.My favourite part was when petey and piggy had a robot battle because it was cool.There wasn't a scary there were only super funny parts.Yes i learned that being good is good.I recommend this book for 5-12 years old.I will give this book a 5 out 5 stars.

I hope you will like this book as much as i did.